torsdag, maj 7

New law bans gang patches in public - New weapon in fight against gangs

Police in Wanganui have a new weapon in the fight against the towns gangs after parliament passed a bill giving the council the right to ban gang insignia in public.

The town has gained a reputation for its gangs but soon Wanganui police officers will have more powers than most to deal with those who don the patch.

The law gives local authorities the power to ban gang patches in public places including the CBD, parks and reserves around the city.

Hell's Angels and Black Power members in Wanganui would not talk to ONE News but one man had plenty to say about the groundbreaking law against gangs.

"Any gang regalia, clothing, patch, you name it anything that's associated with gang membership, gang affiliation, gang support is banned,"

Gang patches and other insignia will be banned in Wanganui after a law giving police the power to arrest, seize and fine wearers was passed in Parliament last night.

The measure is a New Zealand first, and other areas with gang problems were last night considering seeking their own versions of it.

Se TV inslaget:

+ Parliament debates gang patch ban

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